Minggu, 13 Februari 2011


Bad hair day karena rambut lepek memang menyebalkan. Mau keramas tapi ga sempet. Akhirnya penampilan jadi ga oke, and muka juga ikutan jadi kucel. Nah, buat ngatasin nya, ratih mau ngasi beberapa tips oke banged and gampang buat dipraktekin :)

1. Keramas Poni
Kalo pas bangun pagi , tiba tiba rambut kamu ga se oke tadi malem, biasanya lebih berminyak atau waktu tidur tenyata kita keringatan, akhirnya rambut berminyak deh :(. Kamu bisa keramas bagian poni aja. Caranya seperti kamu keramas rambut kamu biasanya, tapi supaya rambut ga basah semua, lebih baik bagian rambut yang lain di ikat, dan sisakan bagian poni. Lalu dikeramas deh, and ga perlu conditioner. Supaya poni awet. :) Abis itu bisa kamu keringin sambil di rol, ato di blow. Suka-suka kamu deh.hehe

2. Baby Powder
Bedak bayi ini bisa kamu gunain. Caranya,,ambil sedikit saja, taruh di tangan, lalu ratain di tangan, setelah itu baru di olesin ke rambut. Jangan terlalu banyak. Sedikit saja, tapi lakukan berulang kali, sampai rambut kamu ga kerasa lepek. Jangan bubuhkan langsung ke rambut ya, nanti malah ga rata, and jadi kayak ketombe.. huaa,,,now way! 

3. Rol Rambut
Roller rambut bisa kamu pake biar rambut lebih bervolume. Lebih baik, gunakan dulu tips di atas. Keramas poni dan baby powder, agar setelah itu rambut yang di rol lebih awet karena minyak di rambut udah berkurang. Lalu sambil di rol,,hairdryer rambut, agar hasil rol lebih awet. 

4. Ikat rambut ke atas
Rambut kamu bisa kamu ikat keatas sekali. Ambil rambut jadi satu, sambil menunduk, lalu tarik ke atas sekali. Ikat untuk beberapa menit, mungkin sekitar 15 menit. Kemudian lepas deh. Alhasil rambut kamu jadi lebih mengembang dan ga terlihat lepek. Untuk hasil maksimal, kamu bisa gabungin ma tips keramas poni and baby powder di atas.

Selamat mencoba :)

Kamis, 16 Desember 2010


Send "Don't Stop Believin'" Ringtone to your Cell
Just a small town girl
Livin' in a lonely world
She took the midnight train goin' anywhere

Just a city boy
Born and raised in South Detroit
He took the midnight train goin' anywhere

A singer in a smokey room
The smell of wine and cheap perfume
For a smile they can share the night
It goes on and on and on and on

Strangers waiting
Up and down the boulevard
Their shadows searchin' in the night

Streetlight, people
Livin' just to find emotion
Hidin' somewhere in the night

Workin' hard to get my fill
Everybody wants a thrill
Payin' anythin' to roll the dice
Just one more time

Some will win, some will lose
Some are born to sing the blues
And now the movie never ends
It goes on and on and on and on

Strangers waiting
Up and down the boulevard
Their shadows searchin' in the night

Streetlight, people
Livin' just to find emotion
Hidin' somewhere in the night

Don't stop believin'
Hold on to that feelin'
Streetlight, people

Don't stop believin'
Hold on to that feelin'
Streetlight, people

Don't stop!

Senin, 13 Desember 2010

My last weekend journey

Last weekend I spend my time with my best friend in Papuma beach and Rembangan. This beach place at Jember, east Java, Indonesia. And Rembangan is a hill in these city.
I wanna share some of my photo in this blog. Share the beauty of the beach , the hill and the visitors.hehe

Me, Walk around at Papuma beach

Me and Imaniar, One of my POC member

At the Rembangan Hill, Feel fresh :)

This is my funniest friend. She is Jayanti. Heheehe

Yeah,, Keep Smile Girls !! Show up ur teeth. Cheese. :D


Kamis, 09 Desember 2010

my internet connection

yeah, i hate this!!!  when internet connection getting worse. Why it happen when i want to post in my blog. It so difficult to upload my photo. Oh,, God of Provider. Please... make it easier. I want to share my vacation. Dont make it too late . :(

Rabu, 01 Desember 2010

PROBLEM SOLVING 101 [ Simple Book for Smart Peoples]

Now I want to review one of my book collection. And,, the winner is " Problem Solving 101".

This book write by Ken Wetanabe, a Japanese Man. I give high recommend for this book. And u all can read it. No matter ur age.
In his book, he write about the way for au to be a problem solver. Why a problem solver? because to make your dream come true or all your job done as well u want, u must be a problem solver. Throw away all Miss Dreamer, Mr Fast Action, Mr. Critic, and Miss Hopeless in ur self. Because those character just make u stay in ur first step a.k.a nothing good progress to achieve anything u want.

In the first part, Ken ask us to find our self character. And he give 4 category like i say above. When I read these part, I found my self, my Mom, and my Friend in one of those category. It fun, when I appreciate my self in one of that character. 
This is pic of all character : Are U one of Them? ;)
Miss Dreamer
Mr. Critic

Mr. Fast Action
Miss Hopeless

Hmm,, which one ur self?? 

In the other part of this book, Ken show us about 3 story. Each story tell about different case. And we'll learn how they get their problem in right way. The authors also explain the way by draw many diagrams. Easy to understanding and absolutely fun. 

KIWI - She want to get football scholarship
JOHN - How he can buy his new computer by himself and achieve his dream
Mushroom Mania - a rock band who not have many fans

My Brave Foto

Wuhuuw,,, now I want share my photo. For me, this such of incredible pic i cant imagine before. I'm not sure i want do it twice. hehe

this is my big cat. YUMMY!!

Selasa, 30 November 2010


Okeeey,, I know,, I know,, I dont really Expert bwt speak bahasa orang laen. Secara ni bukan bahasa Mak gw apalagi bahasa pembokat Gw.hehe
Tapi,, belajar bahasa orang laen tu emang ga ada habis nya n sangan attractive menurut gw.
Naahh,, now i wanna give some tips bwt km,, biar bisa ngebiasain bwt denger bhs planet satu ni.
Bwt kita yg awalnya kurang interest n nganggap this not really important, kita kudu ubah mindset kita yg atu ni nieh,, biar bisa lebih cinta n interest bwt belajar.

Bisa di mulai dari hal-hal simple kayak :
  1. Dengerin lagu barat ampe budek
  2. Kalo belum yambung ma yang penyanyi nya omongin, coba ma lagu mellow.. biasanya nadanya yang slow bikin pengucapannya lebih jelas buat didenger di telinga
  3. Kalo udah kebiasa,, terus coba deh nerka2 tuh orang bule ngomongin apa
  4. Kalo masi ga jelas,, coba deh cari lyric nya di googling
  5. Kalo masi ga jelassss,,kemungkinan lo tuli n buta huruf.hehehe
Cara laeeen,, bisa sering2 nonton film barat, liat blog2 orang bule n try to read it. Baca nya dengan sepenuh hati yaaa,, biar ngerti ma maksudnya.
Teruusss,, qw jga mu share link yang keren banged buat bantu kita belajar English www.englishcafe.com. Try it,, n di jamin lo bakal ketagihan bwt mampiir..

And,, Tips terakhir dan termutakhir,, NEVER SHY TO TRY !!! Coba aja ngomong English dengan Pede n Ga usah takut salah. jangan DOWN kalo ada yng kritik km soal kekacauan dalam berbahasa (hehehe) , namanya jg bukan bahasa mak qta. Buat kriktik itu sebagai pemacu untuk terus belajar dan masukan yang kudu kita inged terus. CHAYOO! :-)